Graphic Design / Industrial Design

Graphic Design
Industrial Design
Interior Design


Champagne is a spirit extracted from different types of grapes and is constantly associated with luxury and elegance, the ritual consists mainly of a celebratory toast; and the formal character of this ritual encapsulates the drink in an aura of luxury and ceremony. 
From the point of view of transgression, the idea of taking the symbols of this drink to merge them with antagonistic symbols such as dirt, carelessness and ugliness was born. 
We call this concept “Uglybeauty”, whose function is to raise the idea of a product in scenarios that shock and challenge the “common” perception of it. To what extent can elegance, premium and high class be fused with elements of the street, with garbage, with dirt, with filth, to what extent can the transgression of a product generate a hybrid that adapts to the needs of the market? 

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